Friday, April 8, 2011

Butterfly effect

When a certain pastor's convictions took him down a path of unwise decisions, I think the media and attention got to him and he decided to burn a certain book regardless of the consequences.  Now a world away I'm seeing the results (consequences) of his actions.  There is a city within view of where I am and the protests and violence have gotten out of hand.  For several days there have been fires burning in the city and all kinds of activity.  I can say that the reaction is more of an excuse for trouble rather than a genuine protest based on beliefs.  The job of the forces here has gotten a lot harder and this place is much more dangerous now.  I'm glad I am on my way out of here and soon.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Waiting for the kettle to boil

I think the saying is more along the lines of "a watched pot never boils" however my perspective right now is a watched calendar never changes.  I think the last week has gone by the slowest of any week I can remember here.  I'm stuck between the new and exciting, which passes quickly, and the resolved that I'm here for a while stage.  Most of the time I'm spending training the new guy here to try and get him comfortable running things for the last 4 weeks of the contract after I leave.  At least there are regular "customers" that come and chat.  I usually get a good story or two about some of the interesting things that are going on around me.  I think I have gotten so used to this place that I have forgotten about the war going on around me.
Well, the countdown continues and I have less than 2 weeks left here at my base.  The journey home will take a while but the time should pass quickly once I start traveling.