Monday, July 19, 2010

I'm flying

July 17, 2010 - Saint John to Toronto AC8951 dep 7:15 PM arr 8:23 PM flying time 2:08
July 17, 2010 - Toronto to Frankfurt AC876 dep 10:05 PM arr 11:55 AM flying time 7:50

Had a bit of a wait in the Frankfurt airport - got a chance to watch my plane getting prepared.

July 18, 2010 Frankfurt to Dubai LU630 dep 2:40 PM arr 10:40 PM flying time 6:00

Arrived in Dubai and after the length passport control line, I stepped out of the airport and was hit by a wall of hot humid air - gonna take sime getting used to.  By the time I took a cab to the hotel and got checked in I only had about 4 hr to sleep before starting again.  It was a little difficult to figure out where I was going as there were no signs in the airport to direct me to the carrier DFS that I was flying with.  Managed to get to the right spot with about an hour to spare.
Monday July 19th I departed Dubai on a semi private older jet loaded with about 40 others for Afghanistan.  Flying time was about 2 hrs.  Arrived at the British base/airfield Bastion which is jointly used by several countries.  Went thru a quick review of my passport on the airstrip and was bussed to the DFS facility to await luggage.  Had a retina scan done there while waiting.  Friend met me there and drove me to company compound in the adjoining marine base Leatherneck.  Had a little time to settle in and wonder what I had gotten myself into.