Thursday, September 16, 2010

reality check

Had a little wake up call this week that kind of has everyone on their toes again.  After a while of settling into a routine you tend to forget what is going on around you.  This is not the place for details so I won't be too specific.  Keep in mind that there are enemies out there that are bent on causing harm.  I'm glad that I don't know very many specific details or I'm sure I would have my bags packed and be on the next flight out of here.  You really have to trust God no matter where you are, whether it's in a war zone or even at home.
Sometimes it's the little things that remind you of home.  There was corn on the cob (at least I think it was) at supper a few nights ago - reminded me I was missing fresh, sweet juicy corn right out of the garden at this time of year.