Friday, February 25, 2011


Nothing seems to stay the same for long around here.  I was just getting familiar with some of the people here and now they are gone.  I suppose that is the nature of what goes on around here and you would not expect it to stay the same as you would at home with the same friends living around you.  As units move to other spots they are replaced with others.  It is making the job more difficult as I have to learn new contacts all the time to get anything done or find the information I need.  Life seems to be like that but it is getting hard to deal with.
It has been a busy week compared to some but the time goes by quicker when you are busy.  It has also been a somber week with too much bad news here and lots of people impacted.  Sometimes I wish I could write more detail but again it also probably a good thing that I don't share too much.
Still waiting on word about our contract but on the plus side I think I will be home sooner than later.  I have gotten to the point where I have had enough of this and I'm secretly hoping that we don't get the contract so I can be done with this.  In the mean time I'll just keep doing my thing and try to make the best of it.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Civilized adj
: characteristic of a state of civilization ; especially : characterized by taste, refinement, or restraint

Wow! living in an uncivilized part of the world sure is taking it's toll.  I never considered myself to be racist, intolerant or bigot minded.  I guess there was never much of a situation that would have even caused me to consider my views.  Until now.  Working here is not quite as military as I would have thought.  There seem to be more and more "workers" here from such countries as the Philippines (not so bad), Turkey, Pakistan, Yemen, etc.  The longer I am here the more I seem to strongly dislike being in the company of certain people.  At first It was easy to just dismiss some actions as individual, but then when you are stuck in close proximity to many third world people you realize that they are pretty much all behaving the same.  They are rude, impolite, impatient, dirty, smelly ... and the list goes on.
It is not uncommon while waiting in chow line for some to walk right past to try and move to the front.  I'm used to having a certain body buffer zone that is often invaded.  Sit down to eat with lots of space around you and someone will come crowd in at your table bumping your arm while you try to eat.  The concept of deodorant and personal hygiene - well it isn't even a concept.
That's what is on my mind this week.  I'm trying to consider my attitude - but it is very trying.
God, grant me patience.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Extreme seems to be tagged onto lots of things these days.  I guess when you hear that the desert is an extreme environment you would think of hot and dry.  Well it gets cold too, maybe not extreme cold here but cold none the less.

It turns out that, at lest in this desert, extreme weather can also include torrential rain, amazing thunder storms and yes even hail.  The chain lightning was a spectacular display of white, orange and even blue.

It has been a busy week with the extreme weather causing lots of issues with the satellite and network.  I would not want to be bored with a monotonous job but at this point I have had enough interesting weather or at least enough technical challenges related to the weather.  Again it is difficult to get good pictures considering the environment but I think I will have some to add in here soon.(obviously accomplished)

Speaking of extreme, I am extremely thankful for my home.  I don't know why anyone would ever live here.  I'm also glad I packed a rain jacket.