Friday, March 25, 2011

light at the end of the tunnel

Well there is now light at the end of the tunnel I seem to be stuck in.  If all goes well I should be heading home soon.  Although my departure is not going smoothly, I'm resolved not to get bogged down and involved in a battle.
My attempt to keep an unidentified plant alive here is these conditions look like a loosing battle.  Said plant looks like it is on it's last day.  After a few days of full sun and heat the one green living thing left here shriveled up and died.  Even a watering 2 of 3 times a day was not enough to keep it going.  Oh well, at least it entertained me for a little while.  It does not take much here.
Other than a few unplanned power interruptions and a couple of extremely busy days, it has been pretty dull for the last few weeks.  I guess that is a good thing except the time seems to go by so slowly.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Green and alive

Well it's not an alien but nearly as surprising.  After the rainy few weeks we have had, I noticed something green sticking up between the rocks in my compound.  Lo, even behold there were several plants poking up through the rocks.
I'm not sure what the plant is exactly but my best guess at this point would be watermelon seeds that were spit on the ground, or maybe sunflower.  I'm just hoping it's not poppy.
It was 22 deg here at 8:30 this morning, so we seem to be getting back into the summer hot weather.  I think the high yesterday was 29 deg.  It's actually a very pleasant time of year.
With the nicer weather unfortunately comes trouble.  It was very "active" here yesterday.  It just seems strange that these nuts are so fussy about the weather they venture out in.

Friday, March 4, 2011


We seem to be stuck in the dreary wet March here in the desert.  It is raining again today and has been for 3 or 4 days straight.  not a lot of rain, just drizzle.  The result of this is lots and lots of mud.  the "sand" here is more like a heavy flour and, when mixed with rain, turns into a nice super sticky mud.  Temperatures are usually between 4-8 deg overnight and anywhere from 8 - 22 deg in the day.  Some areas around here have even seen a little snow.  There are a number of large mountains within view and they are all snow covered on top.  It's definitely not home but nice to see.
I'm stuck running the show by myself again for a little while ( I hope only a few more days).  It is wearing me out as I can't seem to get much productive done while trying to run the helpdesk and deal with the issues that come up.  On top of that I still really can't seem to get a good nights rest.  I'm ready to get out of here.