Friday, March 25, 2011

light at the end of the tunnel

Well there is now light at the end of the tunnel I seem to be stuck in.  If all goes well I should be heading home soon.  Although my departure is not going smoothly, I'm resolved not to get bogged down and involved in a battle.
My attempt to keep an unidentified plant alive here is these conditions look like a loosing battle.  Said plant looks like it is on it's last day.  After a few days of full sun and heat the one green living thing left here shriveled up and died.  Even a watering 2 of 3 times a day was not enough to keep it going.  Oh well, at least it entertained me for a little while.  It does not take much here.
Other than a few unplanned power interruptions and a couple of extremely busy days, it has been pretty dull for the last few weeks.  I guess that is a good thing except the time seems to go by so slowly.